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  Consulting, Training, & Coaching  Services

Educational Consulting

My consultation fee for programs in educational, museum, and corporate settings is $250 per hour/$1600 per day (long term projects negotiated by contract) 


Curriculum Package Consultations

My free, fifteen-minute package-focused consulting calls and Zooms are designed to help you gain an in-depth understanding of the content and skills embedded in each of our curriculum packages so that you can be confident that the lessons, projects, and units you purchase match your curricular goals. Calls and Zooms on Curriculum Fix packages can be also scheduled as a thirty-minute session for $100.



Once you have purchased a curriculum package, you can schedule a Zoom or in-person, pre-implementation training session that will guide you and your colleagues through an explanation of the material, an interactive modeling activity, and a question and answer session. We will discuss options for differentiation, types of formative and summative assessment, and strategies for classroom management  and increased student engagement. My training session fee is $200 per hour plus travel expenses when applicable.



After initial training, I am happy to continue to offer ongoing support through our coaching program. In this program, I partner with teachers to schedule weekly one-hour coaching sessions over the course of instruction. Each session will begin with a reflection and then transition to a discussion that covers strategies to deal with challenges, opportunities to enhance student buy-in, differentiation options to support the learning needs of specific students, and ways in which teachers can apply our instructional framework to lessons, projects, and units they are developing for their classes. Coaching sessions are $150 for each one-hour session.




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Book your free 15-minute consulting session now!

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